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【No.50】Course Training | Oral implant treatment in the national continuing education class

From November 7th to 8th, 2024, the national continuing education class of "New Progress and Practice of Real-time Navigation Technology in Oral Implant Therapy" hosted by the Stomatological Hospital of Wuhan University and undertaken by the Nanyang Stomatological Hospital was successfully held in the new campus of Nanyang Stomatological Hospital.

With the theme of "New Progress in Oral Implant Diagnosis and Treatment and Technical Details of Real-time Navigation Implantation", the conference took the form of offline learning class, and invited experts from the Stomatological Hospital of Wuhan University and the Stomatological Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University to share and exchange in various forms.

Dr. Wang Min, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Implantology, Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, shared "The Application of Real-time Navigation Technology in Implantation in Aesthetic and Restricted Areas".

Dr. Wang Min shared the implant cases under navigation, "Implant Restoration with Insufficient Tilt Space of Lower Anterior Adjacent Teeth", "Implant Surgery under Navigation Guidance + GBR", "Implant Surgery of Upper Anterior Teeth under Navigation Guidance", and demonstrated the preoperative design plan, surgical plan planning, surgical process display and postoperative accuracy verification from the patient.

From the technical principles and workflow of real-time navigation to the application of real-time navigation in surgical cases, Dr. Wang Min's step-by-step lecture method gave the students who participated in the continuing education class a deeper understanding of the advantages of navigation implantation, and also looked forward to the practical operation of navigation.

Advantages of Dcarer Oral Implant Surgery Navigation System:

1. It can be minimally invasive, with less postoperative trauma and lighter patient response;

2. Accurate implant placement reduces the operation time and reduces the probability of surgical errors;

3. Fully consider the patient's soft and hard tissues before surgery, quantify the risk, and realize a repair-oriented personalized implant plan.

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